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Objet trouve or found stuff!


During lock down while staring at the wall I decided to stare at the garden.

It was significantly more interesting, and some things stood out to me. They shouted at me by their shape their colour their incongruity.

I wondered what they would be like if they were handmade rather than hand found, and if they were made in a material that had social value rather than natural value. Would they be of value to someone who valued money rather than nature?


Click here to read some more of my  pretension


Click here to see some examples.


Remember this,

Garlic is to cooking what insanity is to art


John A C Beattie MSc MInstP CPhys

July 2022


Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,

for they shall never cease to be amused

© 2019/24 by John A  C Beattie created with

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